Thursday, March 4, 2010

An Application of Seligman's theory...

To begin with seligman's theory of learnes helplessness consisted of a experiment done with dogs in order to prove his theory of learned helplessness. An example that proves learned helplessness is being bad at painting or drawing since a young age. This example proves learned helplessness because when you decide you want to dedicate some time on a certain activity like drawing and the one time you try to draw a tree you are unsuccesful at it and therefore give up on drawing in general. Giving up on a certain idea or activity would be proving learned helplessness since you just settle for something and do not fight it.

Another example of learned helplessness would be if you were to be bad at making blogs because the first time you tried it the computer wo0uld not react of would not accept you name even if you tried it a million times. Therefore you would give up, and never tried to create a blog ever again. This is because you tried such activity and did not have a good experience at it. This also applies to a some one who does sports and turns out not to be good at it. This are some of the examples that prove learned helplessness and how it affects our daily life.

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